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杜森伯格技术公司延续了传统,融合并使用最先进的技术和最优良的制造品质,使传奇的杜森伯格在 20 世纪高端豪华汽车市场中成为领导者,包括电动杜森伯格的现代设计车型和限量版经典车型,以及其他正在为电动杜森伯格汽车筹备的相关车辆。

在开发和实施 DUESENBERG 电力驱动和储能装置时,选择和使用最知名的欧洲和美国技术合作伙伴是毫不妥协的。电动汽车平台将能够被全球其他 OEM 客户采用,并将在美国、欧洲和亚洲建立战略组装点,以进行某些开发和工作。

对于 DUESENBERG 车辆的狂热收藏者,我们还继续使用全定制材料(延续车型)对原装经典 DUESENBERG 汽车进行数字加工底盘车辆制造。

请联系我们以获取有关 DUESENBERG 车辆系列和拟议规格的更多信息。


Electric platforms, Battery systems, E-machines, Hydrogen Drives.

Plug-in electric vehicles (also known as electric cars or EVs) are connected, fun, and practical. They can reduce emissions and even save you money. Fuelling with electricity offers some advantages not available in conventional internal combustion engine vehicles. Because electric motors react quickly, EVs are very responsive and have very good torque.

EVs are often more digitally connected than conventional vehicles, with many EV charging stations providing the option to control charging from a smart phone app. Just like a smartphone, you can plugin your EV when you get home and have it ready for you to use the next morning. Since the electric grid is available almost anywhere, there are a variety of options for charging: at home, at work or on the road. By charging often, you may never need to go to a gas station again! But EVs provide more than just individual benefits. EVs can help the world to have a greater diversity of fuel choices available for transportation. EVs can also reduce the emissions that contribute to climate change and smog, improving public health and reducing ecological damage. Charging your EV on renewable energy such as solar or wind minimises these emissions even more. See the difference in emissions between a conventional vehicle and an EV using the calculator on the right. Learn more about how EVs reduce pollution and their life cycle emissions.

EVs are cleaner to use, to make and easier to produce and are basically considered a home appliance in many countries and because they have much less mechanical parts and convert electricity to mechanical drive with much higher efficiency are considered the next best investment industry for the 21st Century and beyond. The possibilities are limitless.

Benefits of electric vehicles

There are many benefits of electric vehicles (EVs) over conventional petrol or diesel cars.

• Easier to Design and manufacture

• Zero Emissions makes them suitable for global markets

• No sound pollution 

• Cheaper to run

• Cheaper to maintain

• Cheaper to register

• Better for the environment

• Better for the communications networks and IoT

• Better for our energy

• Much more user friendly and easier to repair

DUESENBERG Technologies is planning to be a pioneer in field of  Green Mobility. This will be in forms of Electrified vehicle  platforms, high capacity high Voltage Electric Motors and Battery systems. Proprietary Traction Software for use on DUESENBERG vehicles and offering the same technologies to Global OEMs. The DUESENBERG Electric Vehicle Platform is a fully scalable Chassis and frame and incorporates all the CORE and Auxiliary systems needed for a full Electric Vehicle design. We already planned and specified one of the most technologically innovative and most efficient yet powerful Electric Drive systems for new DUESENBERG vehicles in collaboration with one of the most renowned Electric Drive Technologies companies in Europe. Our systems are complete for use include PMSM Electric Drive Units, Battery systems, CORE Power electronics, E-HVAC, HMI digital cockpit and Autonomous ADAS systems and advanced Ride and Handing technology. 


  • DUESENBERG Electric Drive Units (EDU):

DUESENBERG Electric Drive Topology is based on Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) design which is highly advanced, efficient yet very powerful I terms of torque and horsepower and universally proven. A PMSM- is a synchronous electric motor whose inductor consists of permanent magnets and are connected to the energy storage directly and their movements are controlled by IGBT Inverter systems. To achieve the best in this field we have partnered with one the world’s most renowned and professional German technology partners in terms of design and development of DUESENBERG Electric Drive system complete with built in inverter and an E-transmission built on a 800V eclectic architecture makes the overall system to be the most advanced and efficient in terms of power use and management as well as range and drivability, Combined e-motor, inverter, and drivetrain solutions including system integration. Sophisticated power electronics are key to the operation of electrical machines. Advanced switching strategies and highly developed thermal management allow a compact design, despite having to handle high voltages and currents. There are several Electric Motor drive concepts from other European and American technology houses that are also being studied for different EV applications.


  • DUESENBERG Energy Storage Unit (ESU):

Thanks to the modular design of our selected battery modules, practically all requirements regarding size, installation space and capacity can be met. Furthermore, smaller quantities can be produced at reasonable costs. The interchangeability of the energy modules and the cooperation of  DUESENBERG Technologies team with world class cell manufacturers ensure the greatest flexibility in the selection of cells. Individual design preferences between high power or high energy batteries can be considered, and special requirements, regarding safety, can be fulfilled. The specially developed battery management system guarantees state-of-the-art battery control and efficient integration of the thermal management into the overall vehicle in line with the most individual requirements. 

The result is batteries that can be charged to 80% in only 12 minutes. This  powerful high-energy battery has  a capacity of 86.5kWh and is good for ranges of more than 500km. With a constant discharge power of 430kW (up to 690kW for short periods), it hardly sets any limits for the drive power of the electric motors, even in luxury class vehicles. Furthermore, within the scope of a research project, it proved possible, to build batteries which can be charged to 80% of their capacity in only 5 minutes and to 100% in 8 minutes.

‍Such technological progress is made possible by our extensive testing landscape. Starting with cell characterisation, through typical electrical and thermal tests of battery modules and battery packs to endurance runs, the complete spectrum of development can be mapped. Validation and certification in compliance with all current standards (LV124, ISO26262, UN38.3 among others) can also be carried out while running environmental tests and abuse tests under appropriate safety measures.

DUESENBERG Hydrogen Fuel Cell Drive (HFCD):

Hydrogen, when used in a fuel cell to provide electricity, is an emissions-free alternative fuel produced from diverse energy sources. Currently, drivers of light-duty fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) can fuel up at retail stations in less than 5 minutes and obtain a driving range of more than 300 miles. Research and commercial efforts are under way to expand the limited hydrogen fuelling infrastructure and increase the production of FCEVs. DUESENBERG Technologies and its global technical partner are embarking on a Hydrogen drive initiative for commercial vehicles. Using Hydrogen to power the electric Drive units of the commercial vehicles would be the right choice. 


Hydrogen has three basic benefits that address these concerns.


1. The use of hydrogen greatly reduces pollution. 

When hydrogen is combined with oxygen in a fuel cell, energy in the form of electricity is produced. This electricity can be used to power vehicles, as a heat source and for many other uses. The advantage of using hydrogen as an energy carrier is that when it combines with oxygen the only byproducts are water and heat. No greenhouse gasses or other particulates are produced by the use of hydrogen fuel cells. A FCEV can be refilled in less than 5 Minutes

full tank.

2. Hydrogen can be produced locally from numerous sources. 

Hydrogen can be produced either centrally, and then distributed, or onsite where it will be used. Hydrogen gas can be produced from methane, gasoline, biomass, coal or water. Each of these sources brings with it different amounts of pollution, technical challenges, and energy requirements.

3. If hydrogen is produced from water we have a sustainable production system. 

Electrolysis is the method of separating water into hydrogen and oxygen. Renewable energy can be used to power electrolysers to produce the hydrogen from water. Using renewable energy provides a sustainable system that is independent of petroleum products and is nonpolluting. Some of the renewable sources used to power electrolysers are wind, hydro, solar and tidal energy. After the hydrogen is produced in an electrolyser it can be used in a fuel cell to produce electricity. The by products of the fuel cell process are water and heat. If fuel cells operate at high temperatures the

system can be set up as a co-generator, with the waste energy used for heating.




所有电动汽车都需要充电基础设施,杜森堡技术公司内部开发了 22KW 交流充电系统和 50KW 至 380KW 高性能直流充电器,并与技术合作伙伴合作,为所有客户提供安装和供应。我们还计划为所有杜森堡车辆(无论型号)提供非常先进和创新的无线充电系统,并且相同的技术可以提供给其他 OEM 和相关公司使用和安装。

我们运营自己的 DUESENBERG 充电主干门户,可通过我们自己的 DUESEY Club 应用程序和互联网门户在全球范围内访问。

我们考虑了所有充电协议,并根据每个市场在车辆上安装充电插座。我们制定了多项特殊计划,为客户提供独特的电力和功率输送,使 DUESENBERG 成为绿色交通和能源存储领域的领先品牌。







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杜森伯格 II 墨菲敞篷车被设计为“终极现代经典”,目标是在新车中重现杜森伯格原版的美学优雅,这款新车使用起来既舒适又实用,而且由于其制作过程中涉及的细节和工艺,它将永远是“收藏家的汽车”。杜森伯格 II 在 1978 年至 2000 年推出期间共生产了五种车型,其中包括墨菲敞篷车。墨菲敞篷车目前正在改进,以利用最先进的汽车技术并提高内饰的舒适度。

杜森伯格 II Murphy Roadster 的设计和工艺均与原版车型完全相同,每辆杜森伯格 II Murphy Roadster 都将根据订单定制,以彰显优雅、奢华和手工打造的品质,反映买家的个人品味。外观和内饰均保留了原版的外观和细节,同时提供现代传动系统和舒适功能的便利性,巧妙地隐藏在原版设计的控件中。

Duesenberg II Murphy Roadster 采用现代福特底盘和结构钢车身框架,配备全新福特 V10 传动系统和自动变速器,所有部件的平衡均根据原厂要求定制(保险杠、车灯、散热器外壳、侧管、挡风玻璃框架、支架、仪表板等)。几乎所有您能看到的部件,包括车门铰链。对细节的关注和对最优质材料的使用,加上 130 年代最昂贵汽车的永恒风格,使 Duesenberg II Murphy Roadster 成为当今最独特的汽车。

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